
Disclosure for Jiu-Jitsu Launch Website


This disclosure page is created to provide important information about the website Jiu-Jitsu Launch, accessible at https://jiujitsulaunch.com. By using this website, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions presented in this disclosure. It is highly recommended to carefully read this disclosure before engaging with any content or services offered on this website.

Website Purpose

Jiu-Jitsu Launch aims to provide valuable resources and guidance for individuals interested in starting their own Jiu-Jitsu Gym. The website offers a variety of content, including articles, guides, tutorials, and other related materials, focusing on the aspects needed for successfully launching and operating a profitable Jiu-Jitsu Gym.

Not Professional Advice

All information provided on Jiu-Jitsu Launch is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. The content on this website should not be considered professional advice or a substitute for professional assistance. It is advisable to consult with qualified professionals, such as lawyers, accountants, or business consultants, before making any decisions or taking actions related to starting or managing a Jiu-Jitsu Gym.

Accuracy and Completeness

While Jiu-Jitsu Launch strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the content presented on this website. The information may contain errors, omissions, or outdated references. Any reliance on the information provided is solely at your own risk.

Personal Responsibility

The use of information or materials obtained from Jiu-Jitsu Launch is purely at your own discretion and risk. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for how you interpret and utilize the information provided. Jiu-Jitsu Launch, its authors, contributors, or affiliated entities shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, or negative consequences arising from your reliance on the website’s content.

Third-Party Websites and Services

Jiu-Jitsu Launch may contain links or references to third-party websites, services, or resources. These links are provided solely for convenience and do not imply endorsement or responsibility for the content, practices, accuracy, availability, or legality of these external sources. You acknowledge and agree that Jiu-Jitsu Launch shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by your use of any third-party websites or services.

Affiliate Links and Compensation

Jiu-Jitsu Launch may participate in various affiliate marketing programs. This means that we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases made through the links provided on the website. These affiliate links do not influence the content, topics, or products mentioned on Jiu-Jitsu Launch. The decision to make a purchase through an affiliate link is entirely voluntary and does not affect the overall cost or experience for the user.

Testimonials and Endorsements

Jiu-Jitsu Launch may feature testimonials or endorsements from individuals who have benefited from the content or services of the website. These testimonials represent the individual’s personal experience and may not be representative of everyone’s results. The testimonials are voluntarily provided and are not influenced or fabricated by Jiu-Jitsu Launch. Any reliance on testimonials should be done with critical judgment.

Changes to Disclosure

Jiu-Jitsu Launch reserves the right to modify or update this disclosure page at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to review the disclosure periodically to stay informed and aware of any changes made. Your continued use of the website after any modifications to this disclosure signifies your acceptance of the revised terms.

Contact Information

For any inquiries or questions regarding this disclosure or the practices of Jiu-Jitsu Launch, you can contact us at:

Email: info@jiujitsulaunch.com

Jiu-Jitsu Launch
123 Example Street
City, State

Last Updated: [Date]